Beef Feeds

Oakwood Feeds Ltd

For beef production to be a profitable enterprise, it is essential to maximise growth rates, optimise fat class & conformation and minimise health issues and losses.

​Our range of beef feeds provide diets suitable for all systems, to take animals from calves, through the growing phase and on to finishing. Our beef feeds comprises of compounds, blends and meals, as well as a range of complimentary products to maximise the potential in your animals.

We have been long associated with producing quality beef feeds and have many satisfied customers some of whom regularly win fatstock competitions and top local markets.

Close relationships have been built with many Universities and Colleges, where numerous trials have been conducted to develop a number of beef finishing blueprints.

All our beef feeds and supplements are supported by a dedicated team of specialists who have access to the latest beef rationing software, get in touch if you would like a ration formulating for your stock.

Oakwood Feeds are very proud stockist of Crystalyx Feed licks for Beef Cattle.

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All our feeds are highly palatable and nutritious with exceptional texture.



We only source the very best quality feed ingredients.



Our experienced team provide excellent service & support.

Pre Calver

Crystalyx Pre-Calver is perfect for feeding to both dairy and beef cows during the dry period, as it provides a low calcium/high magnesium diet which greatly reduces the risk of milk fever and slow calving.

The increased levels of magnesium contained in Crystalyx Pre-Calver helps improve muscle tone. Inadequate levels can lead to slow calving syndrome where calving can be difficult and prolonged.

  • Optimises performance by stimulating forage intakes and digestibility while providing all essential mineral, trace elements and vitamins
  • Maintains optimum blood magnesium levels to reduce the risk of milk fever and ‘slow calving’s’
  • Supports and maintains a strong, healthy immune system
  • Optimises calf health and vigour (more ‘get up and go’)
  • Reduces the risk of difficult calving’s and retained placenta Conditions cows during the dry period to maintain optimum health so they transition more easily into lactation
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Pre Calver

Cattle Booster

Crystalyx Cattle Booster is a feed tub ideally suited for use in dairy and beef farming systems, in both cases Cattle Booster has been shown (through University research trials) to increase forage intake and digestibility.

Trials have concluded that Cattle Booster stimulates growth rates and improves overall health, fertility and milk quality in livestock.

  • Optimises performance by stimulating forage intakes and digestibility while providing all essential mineral, trace elements and vitamins
  • Improves animal health and fertility, increasing pregnancy rates in heifers
  • Increases DLWG by up to 36% allowing heifers to reach bulling weight earlier
  • Reduce the risk of acidosis by stimulating saliva production to help maintain a stable rumen pH
  • Helps buffer wet acidic silages and stimulate silage intakes Reduces loss of body condition in early lactation to optimise performance and fertility
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Cattle Booster

Easy Breather

Crystalyx Easy Breather is a feed lick specially designed with the intention to help alleviate stress and respiratory problems in calves and sheep.

Respiratory problems in calves and sheep are most prevalent in autumn and winter, especially when the animals are housed. Containing menthol and eucalyptus Crystalyx Easy Breather offers a natural aid to maintain a healthy respiratory system.

  • Helps keep airways clear and reduces stress
  • A natural aid to help reduce coughing and respiratory irritation
  • Helps calves regain appetite after a stress or challenge
  • A powerful natural aid to help calves resist respiratory challenges
  • Supports a strong healthy immune system
  • Reduces the risk of growth checks
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Easy Breather


What is Epatral: Used for the treatment of digestive and liver challenges in all ruminants.

What are the benefits:

  • Contributes to an increase in liver activity and function
  • Increases milk yield in early and late lactation
  • Results in noticeable improvements in heat expression in dairy cows
  • Increases daily live weight gain when used in beef cattle
  • Complies with organic farming specifications
  • Removes toxins
  • Increases feed conversion
  • Improves overall health & performance

When is Epatral used:

  • For milking cows during lactation, at feed transitions and at the start of lactation.
  • To stimulate the growth performance of youngstock and during fattening/finishing.
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One particular product we are pleased to supply is VELIBOL.

VELIBOL bolus is designed to assist in the preparation of easy calving !

  • Contribute to calving dynamism and to increase easy birth of the calf
  • Participate in the reduction of incomplete delivery’s risk by 50%
  • Allow a reduction from 6 days of the interval between calving and 1st AI

The benefits to VELIBOL are better calving dynamism, better muscle contractions, and claves are more vigorous after birth. Farmers also notice less retained placenta issues, a better cyclicity and earlier natural heats.

For more information, get in touch with our team.

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The METRABOL bolus helps the uterus to quickly return in a functional status after calving. It is suited to go with the uterine discharge during the post-calving days.

METRABOL supports an efficient uterine involution after calving thereby contributing to an earlier coming on heat. 8 cows out of 10 will be able to reproduce 30 days after calving.

For further information please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

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Oakwood Feeds Ltd Celebrates 4 Years of Success and Innovation Oakwood Feeds Ltd a leading Animal Feeds company, are proud to announce the celebration of its 4-year anniversary. Since Simon and Sam Evans founded the business in May 2020, Oakwood Feeds Ltd has been committed to quality, innovation, and customer …

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