Oakwood Care Range
Oakwood Feeds Ltd
From when the first chicks arrive, they must be housed in a draft free, well-insulated warm hut, with plentiful supply of dust free fresh clean bedding.
It is so important to supply the very best quality feed together with cool clean water.
Water is often taken for granted, chicks drink twice as many millilitres of water as grammes of feed, and therefore for that very reason water supply should never be taken for granted.
Game birds rely heavily on good stockmanship practices and high management input. Making sure the supply of clean drinking water is essential for the well-being of all animals, not only game birds. Pathogen spread is most likely via the water supply. Contaminated drinking water can have a detrimental effect on the immune system of game birds.
High levels of infection from pathogens such as Salmonella, Coccidia and E Coli can quickly spread through the drinking system. Where heavily affected, there is a build-up of biofilm. Biofilms contain harmful pathogens and also mineral deposits, such as calcium, manganese and iron. The consequences of this is that yet further bacterial growth develops in the biofilm and spreads throughout the unit.